Ministries at St. John the Evangelist

For more information on any of the ministries listed, please contact the parish office at (360) 573-3325 or email via link below.

Altar Servers

Assist the Priest during Mass. this is open to parishioners who have made their first Holy Communion, including adults. Contact Andrew for more information at (360) 573-3325 ext. 109 or by email.


Ministers of Holy Communion

Assist with the distribution of the Precious Body and Blood during Mass. Contact Deacon Adolfo by email if you are interested by email.


Ushers assist with the collection, help direct during Communion and hand our bulletins after Mass. Ushers also assist and help direct parishioners as they enter the doors of the sanctuary. For more information, contact Yarely at (360) 573-3325 or email her here.

Music Ministry

Join a choir or help form a new choir or ensemble. Vocalists and musicians are invited to share their gifts with our parish family. Middle and high school youth encouraged to participate.

Laptop and/or Soundboard Operators

Members of this team that provide this vital service at weekend Masses. Email here for more information.

Bulk Mail Ministry

Be part of a group that gathers every few months to help fold materials and stuff envelopes for parish-wide mailings.

Funeral Receptions

Support bereaved families by assisting at a reception following the funereal Mass. If you are interested, email here for more information

Bilingual Catechists or assistants for Faith Formation

Work with a class, K - 5th grade, September through mid-May. Contact Melissa (360) 573-3325 ext. 110 or email her here to volunteer or for more information. There is a particular need for bilingual assistants for the English classes.

Youth Ministry

Help lead middle school and high school students in youth groups, chaperone youth-related events, and assisting at other parish functions. Youth group meets on Wednesday evenings. Contact Andrew (360) 573-3325 ext. 109 or email him here to volunteer or more for information.

Church Cleaning

Be part of the one of the teams that cleans the church, on a rotating basis, or form a new team to join the rotation.

Cemetery Committee

Help mark cemetery plots, open and close Columbariums (training provided), attend occasional meetings. Contact Lori at (360) 573-3325 if interested or email her here.

Welcome Committee

Greet parishioners as they enter the Narthex for weekend Masses. Staff the Welcome Desk after Mass (on a rotating basis) and assist with special events to welcome newcomers. Email to join this ministry.

Garden/Yard Care

Assist with the hand watering of plants and trees from spring until fall and/or help keep our grounds beautiful by providing ongoing care and maintenance.

Quilting Ministry

Parishioners of all ability levels ar welcome to join this ministry. Members of this group sew small quilts and other items for charity and need. Email for more information.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Knit or crochet prayer shawls for families who have recently lost a loved one. Contact Sherry at (360) 921-4043, or by email, for more information on patterns and yarn.

Parking Lot Security

Join the team that works to ensure the safety of all parishioners, and the security of their vehicles, during Masses and special events. If interested, send an email here.

Cemetery Parking

Help direct the flow of traffic and assist with parking at the St. John cemetery during interments. Availability on weekdays would be most helpful.

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