Established in 1868
8701 NE 119th Street, Vancouver, Washington
(360) 573-3325
The Annual Catholic Appeal is about being Catholic and recognizing there are priests and deacons to be trained, social services for the needy and poor to be offered, Catholic schools to sustain and grow, retired priests and nuns to support and so much more!
The Annual Appeal allows you to join thousands of Catholics to support more than 60 ministries and services throughout Western Washington. Your support is essential to our mission – without YOU, there would be no Church. Thanks to your generosity, our church is here in times of need providing comfort and hope.
• CYO Camps
• Priest, Seminarian & Deacon Services
• Mental Health
• Hospital/Criminal Justice
• Faith Formation
• Youth & Young Adult
• Catholic Youth Organization (CYO)
• Marriage & Family Life
• Faith Formation
• Children’s Religious Education
• Youth & Young Adult Ministry
• Facility Maintenance
• Sacramental Preparation (RCIA, etc.)
• Liturgical Ministries
• Parish Outreach Center/Food Bank
• Multi-Cultural Ministries
• Pastor & Staff
• Parish Events & Celebrations
• Technology (equipment, network, software, support, and maintenance)
• Insurance (property & liability)
What ministries does my ACA gift support? There are 175 parishes and missions in the Archdiocese, serving 579,500 Catholics. When you give a gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal, your money goes to support over 60 ministries and services.
Some of the ministries supported by your gift include:
♦ Catholic Faith Formation
♦ Multicultural Ministries
♦ Catholic Youth Organization
♦ Catholic Schools
♦ Youth and Young Adult Evangelization
♦ Sisters' Retirement
♦ Catholic Community Services
♦ Tribunal
♦ Retired Priests' Medical Care & Priests' Pension
♦ Seminarian Formation
♦ Diaconate & Religious Life
♦ Lay Ecclesial Ministry
How does St. John the Evangelist benefit? Parishes are direct recipients of the ministries and services supported by the Annual Catholic Appeal. In addition, any money received and exceeding the parish assigned goal is returned through a rebate to your parish to use for a stated project or as needed. The rebate from the 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal helped retire the debt on the church while rebate from the 2016 ACA was earmarked for upgrades to our parish kitchen.
This is a challenging goal, but we can do it! Click here to make a gift! Any rebate received is refunded to the parish.
8701 NE 119th St.,
Vancouver, WA 98662
(360) 573-3325
Office hours:
Monday - Friday
9:00am -4:00pm
Sign up to receive our weekly Friday emails.