Cemetery History

Established in 1868, St. John’s Cemetery is located on land adjacent to where St. John’s Catholic Church, school, and rectory were originally founded. You will find it on the corner of what is now Maitland Road and 109th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Thornton donated this site for a Catholic Church and  Cemetery. It was in the midst of the towering firs of the original uncut forest that the first church of St. John the  Evangelist was built in 1868. It was  dedicated by the Most Rev. A.M.A. Blanchet, First Bishop of Nisqually, on November 5th of the same year. St. John’s Mission was older than the church building and prior to 1868, Mass was celebrated in the homes of the residents by missionary priests from St. James Cathedral in Vancouver, WA. Volunteer labor built the first church. In 1909 the second church was built in the 

Planning for a Funeral

If possible, we encourage parishioners to do pre-planning to make this difficult time easier for your family. Contact the parish office to receive information about preplanning the funeral Mass. Upon the death of a loved one, contact a funeral home first (Hamilton Mylan Funeral Home). They will assist you in making the necessary arrangements for burial. Contact the parish office to schedule the funeral Mass. 

Planning for a Burial


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